Meta Tag Whizard
Meta Tag Whizard
An Astonishing New Software Package That Will Generate Meta Tags Quick-As-A-Whip...PLUS.... Get Rid of Those Annoying eMail Harvesters For GOOD! ....WITH RESELL RIGHTS.... |
Have you ever wondered how some webmasters just seem to have the knack for bringing in LOTS of web site traffic?
Well if you've ever wished for better web site traffic and need a Cheap way to obtain it, then you'll be interested in this hot new software package! So how's your web site traffic stats looking? Getting visitors in the droves yet? (If you answered yes, you don't really need this product.) Look, let's face it..if your answer is no, then your web business won't go very far. I don't mean to rain on your parade, but that's just the cold hard truth.
If you answered no, then please read this sales page carefully. I'm about to introduce to you a brand new Windows software package that will help you optimize your web site pages for all of the search engines so that you can bring in more targeted visitors!!
Introducing...Meta Whiz V.1 ..
Brand New Software For
Effective Search Engine Optimization!
Do your web pages display the correct Meta Tag Codes? If not, you could be losing out on higher search engine rankings. Did you know that if you do not have the correct meta codes on your pages that searchers could be turned off by your search results? It's true!
For those of you who aren't sure what Meta Tags are, let me explain a bit here before going any deeper.
Web Definition:: "A special HTML tag that provides information about a Web page. Unlike normal HTML tags, meta tags do not affect how the page is displayed. Instead, they provide information such as who created the page, how often it is updated, what the page is about, and which keywords represent the page's content. Many search engines use this information when building their indices."
In simple terms, Meta tags are HTML codes that are inserted into the header on a web page, after the title tag. They take a variety of forms and serve a variety of purposes, but in the context of search engine optimization when people refer to meta tags, they are usually referring to the meta description tag and the meta keywords tag.
Now here are the top reasons for having the correct Meta Tags on your web site....
#1 Listing Enhancement. Meta Tags provide search engine spiders with the keywords that are relevant to your web site page.
#2 Google Bots and Other Robots. There are search engines which look for a META Robot tag to determine how they index your site. If you want it to index the pages linked from your main page, you will need to place a META Robots tag on each of your web pages.
#3 Proper Optimization. Having properly written Meta Tags is one of the first steps to optimizing your web pages for the search engines.
#4 STOP Thieves. Some unscrupulous webmasters on the net will hijack your site pages by "framing" them. This is where your site pages show up in a frame on the hijacker's site. This is bad for business. The correct meta tag can actually prevent this from happening.
#5 STOP eMail Harvesters and Spammers. If you're a webmaster you probably receive junk eMail at addresses you have not used other then listing them on your web site. You receive these junk eMails because of eMail harvesting bots that scan web pages in search of listed eMail addresses. Again, the correct meta tag can actually prevent this from happening!
Open, Edit, Save Meta Files - You can save, open, and edit any meta tag file you generate using the software interface. This comes in handy if you should ever need to go back and change your meta tags or just for backup purposes.
Step-by-Step Instructions- No Meta tag knowledge is necessary to run this software. In fact, Meta Whiz 1.0 will take you by the hand and will ask you each necessary question one step at a time. At the end, it will spit out the necessary code in two formats. Easy as pie.
Easy Fill In The Blank Interface- Simply fill in the blank to generate your meta tag codes. It's really that simple!
TWO Generation Outputs- Meta Whiz V.1 will generate your code and deliver it to you in two different outputs: Copy to your clipboard OR eMail the code. (Useful if you want to provide a meta tag generation service to your clients!)
Professional Meta Tag Code Generation- You can create an unlimited number meta tag sets quickly and easily with this new software. Meta Whiz V.1 will provide you with the key codes that your web pages must have for proper inclusion in most search engines including the codes for eMail harvesting and frame breaking!
On Board Resources & Meta Tag Information - I've also included a resource section that explains what meta tags are, how to generate your keywords and even links to free keword software!
No Spam
No Framing
Resource Type
Revisit After
Gain more web traffic by programming the right meta codes.
Save time and money.
Super Easy to Install!
Keep eMail harvest bots off your web pages for good!
Stop other webmasters from framing your web sites pages!
Option of offering a Meta Tag generation service to your clients!
There are endless benefits and possibilities using Meta Whiz V.1!
Make $$ reselling this software or adding it to your membership site!
Knowledge of Meta Tags are not necessary! If you can copy html code can use this software!
Screenshot of Meta Whiz V 1.0
What you will need in order to get Meta Whiz Started working for you...
Windows Computer - Preferably Windows 95 and beyond. Windows XP, 95,98, NT, 2000 and ME. * Distribution file comes in the .exe format. If your computer does not allow you to execute an .exe file, then this package is not for you.
Meta Whiz V.1 comes with an easy to use installer interface that will automatically install itself in a location you choose on your computer system! Simply tell the program where you want it to install the software files and Voila! The installer will even create a desktop shortcut for you too!
100% Satisfaction Guarantee or Your Money Back! Buy Meta Whiz V.1 today and if you find that it does not perform like we say it will, and doesn't help increase your bottom line - return it within 15 days for a full refund! |
Okay, So Now I Bet Your Next Question is,
"What's All This Going To Cost Me?"
Instead of thinking cost, you should consider investment. Imagine how much having the proper meta tag codes on your site pages could mean to your bottom line? Or...offer this as a service to your clients and Imagine branding your name and earning extra cash! This package is valued at $999.00 with bonuses!
But, I'm not going to charge you $999 or $500 or even $97, seemingly the going rate for this type of package (which doesn't even give you a quarter of the features and value that I've assembled for you)!
During this special RELEASE SALE, your entire investment is only $14.95 !! ...
Why is the price so low for such an incredible package? My business goal has always been to help other webmasters rather then profit ridiculously from the products that I create. I don't believe that charging inflated prices for eProducts help consumers in any way. Therefore, I have kept the price at a reasonably affordable rate so that everyone can benefit from this very effective piece of new technology.
Plus, I'm going to throw in a lot of special bonuses if you decide to order today In fact, You'll get $947.00 in free bonuses!
Free Bonus Gift #1 ($200.00 Value) Resell Rights - You can make your money back in as little as a day! With this incredible bonus, you'll be able to sell the package to your clients, add it to membership sites and even sell it on eBay!
Free Bonus Gift #2 ($49.00 Value) Step-by-Step Instructions - With this bonus you will get instructions each step of the way explaining each facet of meta tag code. Very easy to understand - even a child could do it!
Free Bonus Gift #3 ($199.00 Value) Unlimited FREE Technical Support! You are never alone when you purchase one of my special product packages. With your purchase today, you'll get something that no other programmer will give you - free unlimited technical support!
Free Bonus Gift #4 ($499.00 Value) Unlimited Upgrades! I will never charge you for any improvement or new versions of the package. As a paying customer, you'll get all upgrades for FREE for the life of the product!
But remember, you must take action before tonight at midnight to get all these free bonuses and to save 50%. Don't set this aside --chances are too great that you'll forget. Think about your return on investment here.
The risk to deliver is entirely on my shoulders. You risk absolutely nothing. Because if you don't think this package you'll get is worth at least 10 times your investment - then I truly want you to let me know. I trust you to be fair.
So if you are serious about achieving more web traffic and ultimately success..then you can't overlook this risk-free opportunity...
Order Today For Only - $14.95
Don't Miss Out On This Incredible Offer!
Yes, This is exactly what I have been looking for. I Want To Order Now! It's Easy To Order ... Just Click The PayPal Button Below To Order! Your Purchase Is Backed By Our 30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee! From Diane's Learning Library Meta Tag Whizard Only $ 7.50 Instant Download Upon Payment! |