JV Firestarter Automator

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JV Firestarter Automator

JV Firesale Automator

Super-Charge Your Earnings By Getting Into Alliance With Other Marketers


Finally.... An All-In-One System That Runs ALLYour Joint Ventures On Autopilot


...And makes you lots of money as you team up with your Joint Venture Partners

If you market ANY products or services on the internet, then you are missing out on big bucks if you never get into into alliance with other marketers who share the same interests as you do. A Joint Venture (or just JV) can produce dramatic windfalls of quick cash when marketers pool their resources together for mutual benefit.

Until now, a lot of internet marketers (including me) have been at a loss on how to run Joint Ventures simply because we did not have the right tools to do so. We had to combine so many expensive scripts spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars, and even then, these did not adequately meet our needs.


Whether Your Joint Venture Involves Selling Time-LimitedProducts, One-Time Offers, FireSales or Just Signups

You can now automate your entire JV with JV FireSale Automator...


Friday, June 22, 2018

A lot of Internet Marketers remain trapped in a locked safe - they'd like to make more money by running Joint Ventures with other marketers. However... the only reason they remain trapped is because all they know are locked doors...

I used to be guilty of the same thing: I was so convinced that all the doors of opportunity were locked, I gave up even trying to open them. Since that time, I have run a LOT of verysuccessful time-limited offers. If anyone could have told me I could bank thousands of dollars in just 24 hours, I'd have called them crazy — or worse!

But even then, I realized I still had one BIG limitation - I had to BABY-SIT all my special offers from the first to the last day. Sometimes I'd forget to send a crucial message to my prospects at the right time. Sometimes I simply sent the wrong message. Or a message with no subject line. Most of the times I was going crazy trying to remember to upload special offer pages at the right time (I missed a lot of them) amidst all the crazy flow of email messages and support requests resulting from all my clumsiness.

And I lost thousands and thousands of dollars in potential profits as a result


JV Firesale AutomatorJV FireSale Automatorhas now provided the key for you to unlockyourself from the confines of your untapped earning potential


And make you lots of money as you team up with your peers

It's been proven many, many times over. Teaming up with fellow marketers in a Joint Venture means big money or benefits for all involved. JV Firesale Automator is the perfect system specifically developed to run ANY kind of Joint venture without any technical know-how.

Just check what JV Firesale Automator will do for you:

JV Firesale Automator Tick

Completely Template Based

JV Firesale Automator ArrowNo complicated code to edit

JV Firesale Automator ArrowJust edit sales letter templates and you are done (unless you want to get fancy!)

JV Firesale Automator ArrowEdit all emails on your browser from admin area

You will run a profitable JV even if you are a newbie marketer

JV Firesale Automator Tick

Fully Automate Joint Venture Start / End Dates

JV Firesale Automator ArrowType start date and end date

JV Firesale Automator ArrowAutomatically tells JV Partners not to promote before JV starts

JV Firesale Automator ArrowAutomatically displays message YOU define before start date instead of order button

JV Firesale Automator ArrowAutomatically displays message YOU define after end date instead of order button

JV Firesale Automator ArrowAutomatically displays signup form only when JV starts if JV involves sign-up

Just pre-set start / end dates, the rest flows automatically. Spend your time making more money!

JV Firesale Automator Tick

Fully Supports Joint Ventures Where You Sell Products or Just Signups

JV Firesale Automator ArrowJust define if you want to sell products or not in admin area

JV Firesale Automator ArrowAutomatically display signup form or order buttons depending on what you choose!

You no longer have to buy different expensivesoftware for this!

JV Firesale Automator Tick

Fully Automate All Your Fire Sales / Special Offers

JV Firesale Automator ArrowSet prices, dates and forget it

JV Firesale Automator ArrowAutomatically changes price at midnight hands-off

JV Firesale Automator ArrowAutomatically updates Paypal/Stormpay buttons

JV Firesale Automator ArrowAutomatically updates the firesale prices on your sales page. No need to keep uploading new HTML files every time your prices change!

Nothing to upload, all done in admin area. All hands-off!

JV Firesale Automator Tick

Auto-fill Name/Email Address to Sign Up Members Before Giving Them Your Gift!

JV Partners simply save their signup form on their account -- members name/email address are saved Automatically. When members come to get their gift, you automatically get their name/email address!

Afterall, no member likes to sign up hundreds of times as they collect gifts!

You will make happier/more satisfied JV Partners, and more sales!

JV Firesale Automator Tick

Fully Automate All Email Communication

JV Firesale Automator ArrowPre-set all promotion emails to your JV partners

JV Firesale Automator ArrowAutomatically sends messages at the exact time and date you want them sent

JV Firesale Automator ArrowNever fail to remind your JV partners about a time-critical action they need to do. If you need them to send a message on a certain date, you do not need to worry; just pre-set it.

Timing can make or break the success of your joint venture...

JV Firesale Automator Tick

Automatically Provide Your JV Partners CommissionsInstantly

JV Firesale Automator ArrowAutomatically allocates the percentage of total sale you set


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