Article Site Builder

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Article Site Builder

Article Site Builder


The Opportunity:  Content-Rich Websites Make $$$!

The Problem:  You’re Not a Writer or You Hate Writing


Now You Build High-Content Websites -- Even If You Hate to Write!

I’ll show you step-by-step how you can use my new, remarkable tool to gather keyword-rich articles, analyze their densities, and build separate web pages for each articles collected.

Of course, you want content-rich websites.  You’ve heard the stories—this guy makes $2,500 a week from his sites, another guy makes $3,000… But you’ve tried so many times to write content yourself, or you’ve outsourced it and gotten back broken English, that you don’t know who or what to believe anymore. You just want to get those keyword-rich articles than anything else, and you should!

I want to tell you about this cool new software called Article Site Builder.

See if this sounds familiar:

Don had a mountain biking website.  The first week, he put up 20 keyword-rich articles.  The second week, he could only think of 10 new topics.  By the fourth week, he was out of articles and his site was stagnant.  It was just too much work to try to get keyword-rich content.

Then he was introduced to Article Site Builder and in minutes, Article Site Builder brought back, two thousand articles full of great keywords.  Then Article Site Builder ran the numbers on keyword density and built a webpage for every article!

Article Site Builder works

and it will work for you too…

I know, because it has worked for hundreds of site-builders just like you.

I promise your situation is not unique. And more importantly – your situation is NOT hopeless—you CAN get good, keyword-dense content.  And LOTS OF IT!

The biggest problem is that people who try to get lots of content to put on their sites have been fed the 3 myths by pessimistic people who will never get rich off the internet (so they don’t want anyone else to, either!)

Here are the three biggest myths about getting content for your Internet marketing web sites:

  1. The first one is that you have to be a good writer.  Uh-huh. Tell that to my friend Sam. Sam dropped out of 10th grade, can’t spell, and reads at a 4th grade level.  But you know what?  Sam pulls in $850 a week from his content-rich sites because he ALWAYS has new content up.

  1. The second is that there’s no way to get good content without paying big bucks to some hotshot copywriter.  Truth is, even if you DO pay big bucks, you’re likely to get broken English because Mr. Hotshot Copywriter couldn't’t be bothered with a trivial task like yours, so he off shored it to India.

  1. The third is that you can cut and paste articles from other sites and call them yours.  The problem is, that’s plagiarism. It’s illegal and it can get you sued. Don’t do it.

Wouldn't’t you agree that it’s crazy to think you’ll get different results if you keep doing the same thing over and over again? If I keep touching a hot stove and kept getting burned – I’d be silly to think the next time I touch that hot stove I won’t get burnt.

That’s why you need to try something different…

Here’s How Article Site Builder Can Help You

Get High-Content Websites Built, Starting Today…

You see, I’ve just completed the beta-testing on Article Site Builder to make sure it gives you step-by-step results. It’s different than anything other content-building tool you’ve seen.

Article Site Builder has taken two years to develop.

Here Are Just A Few Of The Incredible

Benefits You Get From Using Article Site Builder:

·  Being able to feed the search engines what they love most: keyword-dense content.

·  Visitors who keep coming back because the content’s always updated.

·  A steady stream of fresh, new content.

·  An easy way to insert the content into a template.

·  The ability to find content for hot new topics that you select.

·  The ability to optimize your site so you rank very highly with the search engines.

·  The ability to add content pages to your site without knowing a thing about html!

·   A dramatic increase in the value of your sites.

·   The ability to find relevant content—FAST!

Okay, So What’s The Cost For This Incredible Tool?

Let's do a quick comparison - last time I checked, Doorway Ninja would set you back $247 dollars. Or you could pay $349 for Content Generator Engine.

The other option is for you to shell out $600or more buying up all kinds of expensive DVDs and books that will most likely sit on your shelf gathering dust.

Frankly, none of these options really seemed fair to me. So I figured out a way to provide you with a real bargain….

This sensational tool, Article Site Builder, is available to you as an instant download, direct from the Internet.

This way I have no inventory and no fulfillment costs. I don't need to pay anyone to take the orders over the phone. This way I can pass along my cost savings to you. So you win and I win. But don't worry, downloading Article Site Builder is a real snap.  My non-geek friend A.J., tried it, and he had no problem. (It works perfectly with both MAC or PC computers.)

You just install the .PHP scripts on your website and set up the database and your good to go!

This is a tool that lets you:

  • Use an easy template to get everything set up

  • Pick your own topics and where you’ll get content from

  • Gather as many as 1,100 articles

  • Turn the articles you pick into web pages

  • Publish those pages on your site

Now because you will be downloading everything online, I’m not going to charge you anywhere near the amount you’d pay for a single DVD copy goes for in a store.  In fact, your total investment for the entire Article Site Builder tool is just $197.

That’s right, you heard me—just $197!

My accountant wanted me to charge $300 for this tool to cover all my expenses, but I convinced her that it was more important to get it out there and get people talking about it, so this special price of $197 will most likely only be available for a limited time.


But wait—there’s more!

Can Article Site Builder really and truly help you develop content-rich sites?

Yes- It absolutely can!

But the only way to find out for sure is to try out everything in my program entirely at my risk. Article Site Builder comes with a 100% no-questions asked, money-back guarantee. I personally guarantee that you’ve never heard anything like it. If you aren’t getting fresh, new content on your site every week within 30 days after downloading the took, simply email us and we'll cheerfully refund your money, and you can keep everything.

There is absolutely no way that you can lose – except by not taking me up on risk-free examination of Article Site Builder

- One More Thing -

For a limited time Resell Fortunes is including the Reprint Rights to

Article Site Builder.

(A $297.00 value normally sold separately)

How would you like to grab Reprint Rights to Article Site Builder?  Now You Can! With these rights you can re-sell the actual source code to Article Site Builder. We have a limited number now available they are included in this offer but only for a limited time.

Here's How To Order Right Now!

Click here for an instant download of Article Site Builder. Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will download everything you need to get started right away.

It doesn’t matter if it’s 2:00 am in the morning!

You will be downloading Article Site Builder within just a few minutes. and using it to build dynamic, content-rich websites!


This is exactly what I have been looking for.

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From Diane's Learning Library

Article Site Builder

Only $ 98.50

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P.S. If you continue to gather content the same way, you’re going to get the same results. What I’m offering you is the easiest, most risk-free way to try the Article Site Builder so you can see for yourself how it help you get keyword-dense content on your sites and bring in those big ad dollars!

P.P.S  Only a Limited Number Of Reprint Rights Now Available! How would you like to grab Reprint Rights to Article Site Builder?  With these rights you can re-sell the actual source code to Article Site Builder. We have a limited number now available they are included in this offer but only for a limited time.

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